The Value of Being Connected
As I look back over my journey as an educator, I can see how I have evolved. As I ponder my career, I cannot help but think of all the...

What Can a Personal Learning Network Do For You?
Summertime is a time when I find myself being most reflective. I think back to things that went really well the previous school year and...

Tools for Formative Assessments
As teachers, we all look back at some of our previous methods of teaching and realize how far we have come. I am going into my 14th year...

Reflection as a Practice
The year is over, and you’ve started your well deserved summer. Time to enjoy barbecues, vacation, sunshine and... planning for the next...

Creating Your Own Virtual Field Trips with Holobuilder
Google Cardboard is one of the most innovative, yet cheapest, new technologies to hit education within the past year. Who would think...